5-minute spoken contemplation on the three types of happiness - why the least known of these is the only one that lasts - and how to find it.
more...5-minute spoken contemplation exploring what might have existed before the beginning of time, and all that we know.
more...7-minute spoken contemplation looking at how beliefs arise and how to become free from the suffering they can cause.
more...In the experiential reality of Non-Duality, causing harm to others is hurting everything - including oneself.
more...Physical needs will always be our highest priority, but beyond these, what do we ultimately most deeply want?
more...You will never be able to accept anything that you perceive as unacceptable - so don't try!
more...A personal story of how intense anxiety led to a deep inner-looking - a moment of awakening into pure awareness.
more...Have you seen the Law of Attraction at work in your own life? Was it intentional manifesting on your part?
more...Words are needed on the Inner Journey - or are they? Words lead to more questions, more thinking - and isn't that just more mind-stuff?
more...Only evidence, real evidence, should be considered a sound basis on which to accept something as true.
more...Some say there's no (spiritual) Journey because there is Nowhere To Go. What does this mean, and is it a helpful concept?