'Spiritual seeking' began for me in my early 20's and, looking back, it is easy to see the synchronistic events that led into what I now call the 'Inner Journey'.

In the early years I explored the writings of Jung and the psychology of my own inner experience, then became interested in philosophical thought and the eastern wisdom teachings of Lao Tzu and the Buddha. Later I became involved in practicing meditation, studying karmic astrology and tantra.

Years later, during a traumatic period in my life, what is commonly called 'spiritual awakening' occurred. It was a shift in my consciousness - as if I had being woken from a trance - and the John I had believed myself to be - my psychological self - lost solidity. I became aware of an 'awareness' in the 'background' - an unmoving stillness behind all thinking and feeling. 

From this 'place' of 'awareness' I became a 'witness' to what was arising into my conscious awareness, and could now see how my ego had previously been controlling my thinking, feeling and behaviour.

With this new 'perspective' and the new ability to 'sense' the selfishness of ego - and do something about it - my life quickly went from conflict, stress, discontent and unhappiness, to inner peace and a joyous sense of being connected with the flow of life.

As the years have passed I have explored many spiritual and religious traditions and teachings, and continue to do so. And through ongoing deepening, further 'realisations' and experiences of a mystical nature, I have come to realise that the first experience of 'spiritual awakening' all those years ago, was just the beginning of my Inner Journey.

John Foster