We are all on an inner journey... but to where?

Seeking to discover deeper understanding of what lies behind all that happens, and with this, more peace and the sense of flowing creatively with life.

This short series explains what happens during the Inner Journey of Awakening. It is based on my own experience over 40+ years, and from talking to many others, and from researching a huge range of esoteric and spiritual sources.

What is the Inner Journey?

The Inner Journey is often called 'spiritual seeking'.


What is the Fog?

Driving through fog is a good analogy for Awakening.


Expanding Awareness

As Awakening progresses, the fog thins and our perception expands.


Life Changes

The process of Awakening always leads to changes in our life experience.


Where are We?

How can we know 'where we are' on our Inner Journey?


Into The Light

The word enlightenment comes from the Latin prefix 'en' meaning 'in, or into', and the word 'lux' meaning 'light', so : In The Light.


How can we ensure we are travelling in the right direction?

The Inner Journey of the individual self - a diagram.

Our day-to-day life experience is a direct reflection of our understanding of, and alignment with, the deeper currents of our Inner Journey. 

One-to-One sessions look at how everything is connected and interwoven - and how resolution to conflicts and confusion always leads to more inner peace, contentment and happiness - and a sense of flowing creatively with life.

The length of session is variable, but is usually around 60 minutes and can be in-person or online via Zoom.

I prefer to schedule these sessions later in the afternoon or early evening.

Often there is a need for a few sessions with time in between each to allow for contemplation and assimilation of what is discussed.

There is no direct fee paid to me for One-to-One sessions, but please visit this page: Contribute.

Please use the form on this page to ask any questions and arrange your session.

The Study Group meets online the first Sunday of each month from 6-7.30pm UK time.

A few days ahead of each meeting I send out a reminder and info about the topic for discussion.

To get on the list, please send me your email using the Contact Form.

The overall aim is to create an open, welcoming, non-judgemental forum where you can explore your Inner Journey in the company of others.

The group was originally established to look at the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, and we continue to do this, plus we now include other respected teachings and topics. 

Recorded meetings can be found here: Study Group Recordings

All time related to Study Group sessions is offered as a service without expectation of payment. However, if you wish to give back in some way, you may like to help me support a great cause - please see this page: Contribute 

All time related to everything featured on this website and in the Inner Journey Facebook Group is offered as a service, with no expectation of payment.  

'Spiritual seeking' began for me in my early 20's and, looking back, it is easy to see the synchronistic events that led me into what I now call the 'Inner Journey'.

At first I began a psychological investigation of my own inner experience, then into philosophical and ancient eastern wisdom teachings, karmic astrology, tantric and many other spiritual teachings of more recent times.

Many years later, during a very traumatic period in my life, a shift in my consciousness took place. It was like being woken from a trance. Immediately, who I had believed myself to be - my psychological self - lost all meaning. And simultaneously, my thoughts and feelings began to lose their power and control over me. My day-to-day life went from struggle and stress, to more contentment, peace and a sense of being connected with the flow of life.

I later learned that this experience was commonly called a 'spiritual awakening'. And as the years have passed since that moment, I have come to realise that it was just the beginning of a progressive breaking-free from the egoic aspect of self.

About image
What is Awakening?

What is the Inner Journey of Awakening?

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The arrogance of self belief is unbelievable.

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Being the Beingness

There is an essence - an original 'beingness' - in all creatures.

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The real question is, who am I that has consciousness?

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Living The Dream

We cruise along looking out, imagining we're living the dream.

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You Are Not The Doer

A dangerously attractive proposition for the ego.

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You are the Programmer

Re-write your own programme.

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React or Respond?

Can you remember when someone pressed your buttons?

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No Journey?

“There is a vastness beyond the farthest reaches of the mind."

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You Are What You Eat

The full truth of the saying 'You Are What You Eat'.

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Reality is Relative

Your reality is relative to you alone. This is important to understand.

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Love And Do What You Will

Navigating life by asking; 'What would love do?'

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Eye of the Storm

14-minute spoken contemplation that offers a method that helps us avoid getting caught up in the energy of unwanted thoughts and feelings that arise in us, and energies from other people and situations.


Good Morning

5-minute guided meditation for when you first wake up in the morning, to connect to creativity, clarity, non-reaction - all the things we need for a productive day.


Refuge from the storm

9-minute spoken contemplation on taking refuge deep within when we're experiencing difficult thoughts, emotions and feelings.


Unwanted Thoughts and Feelings

17-minute spoken contemplation that offers a practical way of managing and resolving unwanted thoughts and feelings. Practised consistently, benefits will soon become self-evident.


Unwanted Thoughts and Feelings (practice reminder)

3-minute practice reminder for the non-connection method of managing and resolving unwanted thoughts and feelings. It is recommended that the full spoken 17-minute contemplation on this page is listened to first.


Grief and Loss

6-minute spoken contemplation to uncover what dies, revealing how pain can transmute into peace - and the warmth of remembrance.


Calm and Happy

The ego - our sense of self - 'who we are' - experiences all the difficulties of life.


Depression - and the way out

How do we deal with depression when there are tough things going on in life, and how can we permanently escape from it?


Through The Clouds

To shine light on the causes of troubling thoughts and feelings, we need to rise out of the clouds - into the sun.


Stop Lighting Matches

We may not always be able to stop ourselves from lighting matches, but try to watch the flame and drop the match before getting burned.


Freedom From Suffering

Once we have had a first taste of this, we want it again. We want to experience it more often, and more deeply.


Choices & Decisions

5-minute spoken contemplation to help when we are faced with choices and decisions and are uncertain which way to go.


Seeking Meaning

4-minute spoken contemplation about answering questions like: Why are things the way they are? Why do we feel drawn to find deeper meaning?


Free Will?

5-minute spoken contemplation 'You Are Not The Doer' is a phrase commonly found in spiritual teachings. But does it mean that everything is predestined?


I Know It In My Heart

Can you let your heart guide you? Does your heart know deeper answers than the mind?


Wave or Ocean

The wave is a temporary expression of the ocean, dancing on the surface, below which, powerful currents move.


Making 'Right' Decisions

It's always a balance between head and heart. Head = 'mind' = thinking (influenced by the ego aspect of mind). Heart = 'intuition' = feelings (inclined towards selflessness and kindness).


Acceptance In Relationships

5-minute spoken contemplation about when we create expectations in our minds of how other people should be, we can harm relationships - and how to break this habit.


Meant To Be Together?

The awakening event in one partner creates a fundamental incompatibility between them which was not there before.


Astrology And Compatibility

Could astrology help in relationships? Wouldn't it at least be worth taking an open-minded look?


Meeting Mr (or Ms) Right

Every person is ‘right’, even if the initial rightness becomes wrong.


What's Love Got To Do With It?

A soulmate? Blissful love? Fanciful idea, myth or possibility?


The Donkey, the Horse and Wise Owl

A TRUE STORY (I was told by someone who says they are an expert in understanding animal language, that this story sounded true, so it must be true!)


Happiness That Lasts

5-minute spoken contemplation on the three types of happiness - why the least known of these is the only one that lasts - and how to find it.


God Or Nothing?

5-minute spoken contemplation exploring what might have existed before the beginning of time, and all that we know.


Belief And Suffering

7-minute spoken contemplation looking at how beliefs arise and how to become free from the suffering they can cause.


What is - and isn't Non-Duality?

In the experiential reality of Non-Duality, causing harm to others is hurting everything - including oneself.


Manifesting What We Want

Physical needs will always be our highest priority, but beyond these, what do we ultimately most deeply want?



You will never be able to accept anything that you perceive as unacceptable - so don't try!


Anxiety, Awakening, Awareness

A personal story of how intense anxiety led to a deep inner-looking - a moment of awakening into pure awareness.


10,000 Years Old and Flat

What's the difference between Belief, Knowledge and Truth?


Law Of Attraction

Have you seen the Law of Attraction at work in your own life? Was it intentional manifesting on your part?


Words Are Just Pointers

Words are needed on the Inner Journey - or are they? Words lead to more questions, more thinking - and isn't that just more mind-stuff?


What do we really know?

Only evidence, real evidence, should be considered a sound basis on which to accept something as true.


No Journey?

Some say there's no (spiritual) Journey because there is Nowhere To Go. What does this mean, and is it a helpful concept?


Being In The Now

3-minute spoken contemplation on the difficulty of 'Being or living in The Now'.


Presence is the Background

It can be helpful to sit quietly with eyes closed...hope you enjoy it. ...Deep in the background behind thoughts-feelings-experiences - in the absence of the relative and transitory knowing of the body - the knowing of Oneness is realised. Behind even that lies a portal - 'the gateless gate' - through which we may begin to experience the in-flowing of the qualities of the 'Beyond' - peace, joy and love.


What Is Ego?

Looking inside... Is there a sense of self: my body, my mind, what I know, how I feel, what I need, what I want? ...That's ego.


What is the Mind?

The actual definition of the word 'mind'...


Peaceful Mind

The mind can never be at peace - its nature is constant motion - but you are not the mind.


An Excitable Child

Like a child opening presents, our mind jumps on every thought, then the next, and the next...


Mad Mind Of Man

Why do humans cause such endless suffering and destruction?


A Peaceful Minute

Can you spare one minute?


Finding You

12-minute meditation You - the one listening - can you find yourself in your body? You - the one listening - are you your mind or the thoughts running through it?


The Ocean

16-minute guided meditation into that silence and peace beneath the surface, deep in our inner being.


Who You Are

14-minute guided meditation to explore what you are not - and who you are.



10-minute spoken recording looking at what consciousness is - and is not.


What is Self?

Is self the root cause of all that is not good, not truthful, all wrongdoing and self-ish-ness?



The real question is 'Who/What' has consciousness?


What Is Presence?

In the presence of what? Presence is not a thing; it is the space in which things arise.


Presence Is The Background

In the state of presence we are not lost in the experiences of our body or the thoughts in our mind - we are 'in the background' to them.


We Are The River

One consciousness, one with consciousness.


Can You Find Yourself?

Looking inward, our self, or at least what we had believed our self to be, is impossible to pin down.


Meditate On The Self

Excerpt from: Living by the Words of Bhagavan - by David Godman


Many Ways To Meditate

The goals and ways of meditation may differ, but once the benefits are felt, you know how truly valuable it is.


Foreground and Background

Who ARE you???


Contemplating the Eternal Question

Is this the answer to the question: Who am I?


You are an aspect of all-there-is

The body/mind is believed to be separate from the world, from the ego's viewpoint.


Beautiful Mystery

The 'I' cannot know, in fact the 'I', is in the way of knowing!


Perceived understanding, prior to actual Knowing

Awakening progresses through innumerable subtle stages, and at a certain point comes to this...


4 August 2024 - Selflessness

The less self-interested we are - the less focused on our self - the greater our inner peace and happiness becomes.


7 July 2024 - Where are you on your spiritual journey?

We discussed : How can we know where we are on our Inner Journey? What's the destination? Which is the right direction?


5 May 2024 - The Inner Journey - an introduction

This series explains what seems to happen during the Inner Journey of Awakening. It is based on my own experience over 40+ years, and from talking to many others, and from researching a huge range of esoteric and spiritual sources.


2 April 2023 - Spiritual Teachings - why are we drawn to them, and what do we gain from them?

In the meeting we discussed some of the comments on these questions that were received through the Facebook Inner Journey group. ... The meditation begins 41 minutes into the meeting.


5 March 2023 - EGO - our 'Sense of Self' : good, bad, or just part of who we are?

In the meeting we discussed the Ego - what it is, how it functions - and whether we need to be concerned about it. The meditation begins at 64 minutes.


5 February 2023 - Study Group Meditation

This month's recording is just the meditation from our meeting. The meditation is a practice that helps us to not automatically jump on-board with every thought, feeling and sensation. The metaphor used is of standing on a 'platform', letting the trains pass by. During the meditation there is a reading from 'Stillness Speaks' written by Eckhart Tolle.


1 January 2023 - What is my Life Purpose?

We may create new year resolutions about things we want to resolve or do or accomplish - but what about our overall life purpose? It was New Year's Day when we met...and what better day to consider this huge question!? There were sections from two books that we read and discussed: 'A New Earth' - Eckhart Tolle - and 'The Wonderous Journey' - Ilie Cioara. Meditation begins at 01:10:30


4 December 2022 - Important Teachings

This month we continued to look at teachings that have been important or perhaps challenging to you on your Inner Journey. Two quotes were sent to me in advance, plus I selected two further quotes from Eckhart Tolle that related to the same topic - which are all copied into the page - below the video... The meditation begins at 1:07 in the video.


6 November 2022 - Helpful on the Spiritual Journey.

This month I invited those who came to bring along something to read out from a book that had been particularly helpful to them on their spiritual journey. We looked at a passage from 'The Untethered Soul' by Michael Singer that offers a way to step away from the constant stream of thoughts. And I read a section from 'Stillness Speaks' by Eckhart Tolle on how nature can help us find the inner dimension of stillness within. The section by Eckhart led into the concluding contemplation - which starts around 59 minutes into the video.


2 October 2022 - Will Global Catastrophe Awaken Humanity?

In the individual lives of human beings, great trauma and deep suffering often trigger Spiritual Awakening... So perhaps the combination of all the traumas and suffering that are increasing across the planet will lead to the Awakening of Humanity? Please watch the video linked in the description where Eckhart Tolle speaks about this topic - and then the conversation that follows.


4 September 2022 - A method to avoid thoughts and feelings

This session focuses on a method that helps us avoid getting caught up in the energy of unwanted thoughts and feelings that arise in us, and energies from other people and situations. At the end we have a 15 minute contemplation/meditation on this method - so if you prefer to go directly to that, start the video at the 1:00:00 time point. During the session the book 'Letting Go' by Suzhen Liu is mentioned (available on Amazon).


7 August 2022 - Finding You

The topic of discussion for this meeting was FINDING YOU - about how spiritual awakening is the gradual waking-up-to 'Who You Are'.


3 July 2022 - Love

The topic of this meeting is Love. Discussion focused around difficult feelings in relationships - particularly involving family and elderly dependents.


5 June 2022 - What is Spiritual Awakening?

The topic of discussion for this meeting is: What is Spiritual Awakening?


1 May 2022 - A truly important understanding

In 'spiritual' discussions it is common to get into very theoretical ideas and beliefs, which, although interesting to look at, often have little practical value in our lives. This month however, we will discuss a truly important understanding that directly impacts all our lives...can you guess what this might be?


3 April 2022 - Life and death

The questions for this meeting were: With the Ukraine war, I’ve been thinking about life and death, and about basic honesty, how can Putin, other leaders and the Russian media just lie? How does this relate to Awakening in people? How do soldiers become killers? The meditation starts at 1:03:35 in the video.


6 March 2022 - Meditation

The questions for this meeting were: How much time is recommended per day to get meditation to come naturally? After meditation, are there tips to help me stay in that deep peaceful state for longer? How to make more progress from my long-established meditation practice? The meditation starts at 1:18:05 in the video.


'A NEW EARTH' Session One



'A NEW EARTH' Session Two

OUR INHERITED DYSFUNCTION, page 8 Starting at 1:15:30, there is a 'Diminishing the Ego' contemplation/meditation.


'A NEW EARTH' Session Three



'A NEW EARTH' Session Four



'A NEW EARTH' Session Five



All time related to everything provided through this website, in Study Group sessions, and in the Inner Journey Facebook Group is offered as a service. 

If you have appreciated what has been provided and wish to give back in some way, please help me to support TreeSisters with their remarkable work via my JustGiving page John's Fundraiser for TreeSisters.

Fees for One-to-One sessions and all profit from the sale of paintings in my Online Gallery is also donated to TreeSisters.

(When people ask what contribution or fee is appropriate my response is simply this : whatever you decide, will be exactly right!)

TreeSisters is a UK registered reforestation charity that has so far funded the planting of over 26 million trees. In addition they actively seek to support a shift away from consumerism to a restorative culture by providing resources that inspire personal and collective action.

"It was lovely to meet people who were like-minded and interested in the same approaches, which therefore made discussions engaging. I also learnt new ideas and consequently found myself thinking in different ways and feeling almost 'refreshed' as a result. I liked how my topic of interest was actively sought after, and I really supported the fact that, yes although huge, unanswerable topics are fun to discuss, it can be more beneficial to find ways to utilise elements we can understand/hold onto more (e.g. the nature of unhelpful thoughts, and living in the present), so appreciated your efforts in leading the group towards that. It was a nice location and sized-group. I also felt there were some special people there and a good 'presence' to the occasion; different to the everyday."

“What I had hoped for”

"Very nice"

- Copy

“Well presented and conducted by John. Informative and thought provoking. The subject matter inspired some inspirational, lively discussions involving all participants. Will be back for more”

“...Both the presentations and the group discussion time were very good. I feel I can apply these perspectives in my every life. The venue is a lovely and relaxing space. I will definitely be back.”

“Thoroughly recommended”

“Fascinating subject and inspirational group ”

“Presence, stillness, oneness, karma or hudoor are topics that are talked about by many. However, the reality is you can only get there by seeking being in the presence of a guide who has lived it themselves; John is certainly someone who can take you there. ”

"Thank you for yesterday - was lovely to be there and I felt I learned/absorbed a lot."

“Interesting, stimulating, thought-provoking ... ”

"This was a very enjoyable meet-up - the ideas were well presented and the discussion was very open and thought provoking. Thank you again to John for your hospitality in accommodating my early arrival - it was great to meet you. I hope to join you again soon x"

“This was my first visit and I really enjoyed it.”

“An excellent resource provided by John”

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East Hendred

OX12 8LD

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