A fortunate few find beautiful love with another.

But every love will run its course and finally end - even if it lasts a lifetime! 

Contemplating the temporary nature of all things in life, even the love of another, is a huge step towards experiencing an inner letting-go of ideas that control our thinking, feeling and behaviour. 

Nothing lasts forever. 

Full acceptance of this fact is liberating.

It can be scary to truly accept that nothing external, person, possession, or even our own self and physical body lasts forever - but doing so is accompanied by the freedom of letting go of unreality.

Everything can, and ultimately will, leave us.

Somehow, although there is no way to explain how, when we truly deeply accept that all things will pass, we relax our grip and begin to appreciate and enjoy it all the more. And as this happens, simultaneously our mental/emotional attachment and clinging to what we might lose, or what we feel we could not live without, begins to lessen. 

When we stop trying to hold onto anything, what is meant to be with us naturally stays, and things that do not serve us start to fall away.

Love, when in relation to something external, is the most powerful emotion, but if we genuinely look at where it comes from, we discover it is more related to wanting and needing than we may like to admit.

By focusing attention on the source of love we can get past the obstruction of the external something - a person, object, idea or belief - to the love, at its purest, which has no need of an object. 

When we discover that love is there even in the absence of the external world, spontaneously our 'longing to love' is set free to flow out unconditionally.
