7 July 2024 - Where are you on your spiritual journey?

We discussed : How can we know where we are on our Inner Journey? What's the destination? Which is the right direction?


5 May 2024 - The Inner Journey - an introduction

This series explains what seems to happen during the Inner Journey of Awakening. It is based on my own experience over 40+ years, and from talking to many others, and from researching a huge range of esoteric and spiritual sources.


2 April 2023 - Spiritual Teachings - why are we drawn to them, and what do we gain from them?

In the meeting we discussed some of the comments on these questions that were received through the Facebook Inner Journey group. ... The meditation begins 41 minutes into the meeting.


5 March 2023 - EGO - our 'Sense of Self' : good, bad, or just part of who we are?

In the meeting we discussed the Ego - what it is, how it functions - and whether we need to be concerned about it. The meditation begins at 64 minutes.


5 February 2023 - Study Group Meditation

This month's recording is just the meditation from our meeting. The meditation is a practice that helps us to not automatically jump on-board with every thought, feeling and sensation. The metaphor used is of standing on a 'platform', letting the trains pass by. During the meditation there is a reading from 'Stillness Speaks' written by Eckhart Tolle.


1 January 2023 - What is my Life Purpose?

We may create new year resolutions about things we want to resolve or do or accomplish - but what about our overall life purpose? It was New Year's Day when we met...and what better day to consider this huge question!? There were sections from two books that we read and discussed: 'A New Earth' - Eckhart Tolle - and 'The Wonderous Journey' - Ilie Cioara. Meditation begins at 01:10:30


4 December 2022 - Important Teachings

This month we continued to look at teachings that have been important or perhaps challenging to you on your Inner Journey. Two quotes were sent to me in advance, plus I selected two further quotes from Eckhart Tolle that related to the same topic - which are all copied into the page - below the video... The meditation begins at 1:07 in the video.


6 November 2022 - Helpful on the Spiritual Journey.

This month I invited those who came to bring along something to read out from a book that had been particularly helpful to them on their spiritual journey. We looked at a passage from 'The Untethered Soul' by Michael Singer that offers a way to step away from the constant stream of thoughts. And I read a section from 'Stillness Speaks' by Eckhart Tolle on how nature can help us find the inner dimension of stillness within. The section by Eckhart led into the concluding contemplation - which starts around 59 minutes into the video.


2 October 2022 - Will Global Catastrophe Awaken Humanity?

In the individual lives of human beings, great trauma and deep suffering often trigger Spiritual Awakening... So perhaps the combination of all the traumas and suffering that are increasing across the planet will lead to the Awakening of Humanity? Please watch the video linked in the description where Eckhart Tolle speaks about this topic - and then the conversation that follows.


4 September 2022 - A method to avoid thoughts and feelings

This session focuses on a method that helps us avoid getting caught up in the energy of unwanted thoughts and feelings that arise in us, and energies from other people and situations. At the end we have a 15 minute contemplation/meditation on this method - so if you prefer to go directly to that, start the video at the 1:00:00 time point. During the session the book 'Letting Go' by Suzhen Liu is mentioned (available on Amazon).


7 August 2022 - Finding You

The topic of discussion for this meeting was FINDING YOU - about how spiritual awakening is the gradual waking-up-to 'Who You Are'.


3 July 2022 - Love

The topic of this meeting is Love. Discussion focused around difficult feelings in relationships - particularly involving family and elderly dependents.


5 June 2022 - What is Spiritual Awakening?

The topic of discussion for this meeting is: What is Spiritual Awakening?


1 May 2022 - A truly important understanding

In 'spiritual' discussions it is common to get into very theoretical ideas and beliefs, which, although interesting to look at, often have little practical value in our lives. This month however, we will discuss a truly important understanding that directly impacts all our lives...can you guess what this might be?


3 April 2022 - Life and death

The questions for this meeting were: With the Ukraine war, I’ve been thinking about life and death, and about basic honesty, how can Putin, other leaders and the Russian media just lie? How does this relate to Awakening in people? How do soldiers become killers? The meditation starts at 1:03:35 in the video.


6 March 2022 - Meditation

The questions for this meeting were: How much time is recommended per day to get meditation to come naturally? After meditation, are there tips to help me stay in that deep peaceful state for longer? How to make more progress from my long-established meditation practice? The meditation starts at 1:18:05 in the video.


'A NEW EARTH' Session One



'A NEW EARTH' Session Two

OUR INHERITED DYSFUNCTION, page 8 Starting at 1:15:30, there is a 'Diminishing the Ego' contemplation/meditation.


'A NEW EARTH' Session Three



'A NEW EARTH' Session Four



'A NEW EARTH' Session Five

