14-minute spoken contemplation that offers a method that helps us avoid getting caught up in the energy of unwanted thoughts and feelings that arise in us, and energies from other people and situations.
more...5-minute guided meditation for when you first wake up in the morning, to connect to creativity, clarity, non-reaction - all the things we need for a productive day.
more...9-minute spoken contemplation on taking refuge deep within when we're experiencing difficult thoughts, emotions and feelings.
more...17-minute spoken contemplation that offers a practical way of managing and resolving unwanted thoughts and feelings. Practised consistently, benefits will soon become self-evident.
more...3-minute practice reminder for the non-connection method of managing and resolving unwanted thoughts and feelings. It is recommended that the full spoken 17-minute contemplation on this page is listened to first.
more...6-minute spoken contemplation to uncover what dies, revealing how pain can transmute into peace - and the warmth of remembrance.
more...The ego - our sense of self - 'who we are' - experiences all the difficulties of life.
more...How do we deal with depression when there are tough things going on in life, and how can we permanently escape from it?
more...To shine light on the causes of troubling thoughts and feelings, we need to rise out of the clouds - into the sun.
more...We may not always be able to stop ourselves from lighting matches, but try to watch the flame and drop the match before getting burned.
more...Once we have had a first taste of this, we want it again. We want to experience it more often, and more deeply.