This short series explains what happens during the Inner Journey of Awakening. It is based on my own experience over 40+ years, and from talking to many others, and from researching a huge range of esoteric and spiritual sources.

What is the Inner Journey?

The Inner Journey is often called 'spiritual seeking'.


What is the Fog?

Driving through fog is a good analogy for Awakening.


Expanding Awareness

As Awakening progresses, the fog thins and our perception expands.


Life Changes

The process of Awakening always leads to changes in our life experience.


Where are We?

How can we know 'where we are' on our Inner Journey?


Into The Light

The word enlightenment comes from the Latin prefix 'en' meaning 'in, or into', and the word 'lux' meaning 'light', so : In The Light.
