Being In The Now

3-minute spoken contemplation on the difficulty of 'Being or living in The Now'.


Presence is the Background

It can be helpful to sit quietly with eyes closed...hope you enjoy it. ...Deep in the background behind thoughts-feelings-experiences - in the absence of the relative and transitory knowing of the body - the knowing of Oneness is realised. Behind even that lies a portal - 'the gateless gate' - through which we may begin to experience the in-flowing of the qualities of the 'Beyond' - peace, joy and love.


What Is Ego?

Looking inside... Is there a sense of self: my body, my mind, what I know, how I feel, what I need, what I want? ...That's ego.


What is the Mind?

The actual definition of the word 'mind'...


Peaceful Mind

The mind can never be at peace - its nature is constant motion - but you are not the mind.


An Excitable Child

Like a child opening presents, our mind jumps on every thought, then the next, and the next...


Mad Mind Of Man

Why do humans cause such endless suffering and destruction?


A Peaceful Minute

Can you spare one minute?
